About the Violence Reduction Partnership

About the Violence Reduction Partnership

In 2019, the Home Office released funding to 14 police force areas, including Avon and Somerset, to tackle serious violence, which saw the introduction of Violence Reduction Units (recently renamed locally as Violence Reduction Partnerships, VRPs).

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) is the VRP hub for the Avon and Somerset teams, providing a central coordination function; overseeing all five spokes, coordinating the Home Office grant allocation and ensuring that the Avon and Somerset VRP is collectively meeting the objectives of the public health approach to tackling serious violence. The five local authorities are the spokes, including North Somerset.

The Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) operates with a public health approach to violence reduction, focusing on understanding the causes of violence, and the reasons why people get drawn into a life of crime.

North Somerset VRP comprises:

  • VRP Co-ordinator
  • VRP Project Officer
  • embedded police, including a Sergeant, Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers.

With its partners, North Somerset VRP works to identify risk and vulnerability; in doing so works to address the underlying causes of violent crime, deliver bespoke care plans, offer specialist interventions and/or work with the family or education service to ensure diversion is achieved

You can read more about the VRPs across Avon and Somerset on OPCC website

Violence Reduction Partnership case meeting

The Violence Reduction Partnership meets fortnightly as a multi agency case meeting to discuss individuals identified as linked to violence. It provides a platform for cross agency discussion and agreement to support and divert people away from violence going forward, through partner agency referrals or support directly from our VRP staff.

If you are a professional and want to refer a young people or adult, please complete this Referral Form. Please note, this meeting is attended by professionals only.

Join monthly newsletter mailing list here

Get in touch

Violence Reduction Partnership, Post Point 15, Town Hall, Walliscote Grove Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ
