
9:30am - 17 March 2023
The MAVISbus will help people enjoying Weston-super-Mare’s night-time economy for another year thanks to £39,888 in NHS funding from the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB).

10:12am - 23 December 2022
Revellers in Weston-super-Mare are being asked ‘Don’t be a Dick’ as their Christmas celebrations get under way.

9:58am - 14 December 2022
Funding to help tackle violence against women and girls has been awarded to North Somerset Council and Somerset County Council.
1:24pm - 29 November 2022
Next Link and Safe Link are inviting people to join its candlelit vigil to highlight the number of women and children affected by Domestic Abuse and Rape and Sexual Abuse. The vigil highlights the United Nation’s International Elimination of Violence against Women’s day and the end of the following 16 days of action.

12:22pm - 24 November 2022
This Friday, 25 November, is the annual global Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. This year, White Ribbon Day UK where men and boys are being urged to unite to help end violence against women and girls.

10:00am - 16 November 2022
New state-of-the-art CCTV cameras are helping to make North Somerset a safer place for residents and visitors.