Support for people affected by domestic abuse

Support for people affected by domestic abuse

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Next Link

Next Link offer support for leaving a relationship and emergency accommodation. They offer safe houses and workers for both men and women.

If you or someone you care about are experiencing abuse, you can phone Next Link on 0800 4700 280 for local support.

You can also contact their helpline and live chat on their website. They are staffed from 10am to 4pm on weekdays but they also have an out of hours service so you can speak to someone at any time of day, including weekends.

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The Reclaim Project provides free counselling of up to 10 sessions to women and men living in North Somerset who have been affected by domestic abuse and are no longer in a relationship with their abuser. They also offer a weekly coffee morning drop-in for women to meet other women who may share similar experiences. 

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To book an appointment call 07919 440 233 or email

To attend the drop-in coffee morning call 07881 221 531 or email

Support for women and girls

More support can be found on the Women's Aid website. They offer lots of information and resources on domestic abuse. They have a webchat so you can speak to someone which is open from 8am to 6pm on weekdays and 10am to 6pm on weekends.

For practical support, you can use their survivor's handbook which offers support and information about domestic abuse. The handbook has multiple formats, including recordings and additional languages. 

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You can phone the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247. The line is open 24/7. 

Mothers for Mothers are an organisation that provides support from pregnancy, until children go to school. They offer helplines, support groups, home visits and counselling for mothers and birthing people who are struggling with their mental health. You can call their helpline at 01179 359 366. 

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Support for men

Men can also be victims of domestic abuse. For male survivors, help is available. 

Next Link have safe houses for men, and male support officers. You can phone them on 0800 4700 280.

Male victims of domestic abuse can call the confidential Mankind helpline on 01823 334 244. The helpline is open from 10am to 4pm.

You can visit the Men's Advice Line website to access support, including a regular webchat, if you are a man affected by domestic abuse. They also have a booklet with information aimed at men.

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Support for people in LGBTQIA+ relationships

Domestic abuse can happen in any relationship. There are also issues that are unique to same sex relationships. 

Emotional and practical support for LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse is available from Galop. You can phone them on 0800 999 5428. 

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Information for employers
Other resources

For emotional support you can call the Samaritans’ 24-hour line on 116 123.

SARSAS provide support and information for victims of rape and sexual assault. You can call their helpline at 0808 801 0456 or visit their website which has a live chat.

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The Revenge Porn Helpline provides information and help on getting online images removed.

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The National Stalking Helpline provides information on how to report stalking and harassment. You can call them at 0808 802 0300 from 9.30am to 4pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and from 9.30am to 8pm on Wednesday. You can also visit their website.

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The GOV.UK website has an easy read document that details how people can get help if they are affected by domestic abuse.

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The North Somerset Survivors’ Handbook was written by a local group of survivors who wanted to pass on tips and key messages to anyone affected by domestic abuse and is for women and men.

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The North Somerset Domestic Abuse Handbook is intended to give basic information and an overview of domestic abuse support and services in North Somerset and is aimed at workers. For more information you can visit the End Abuse website visit or contact one of the agencies listed directly.

Moving on from an abusive relationship can be difficult and it is a good idea to find some support. For information about other support services in North Somerset visit the North Somerset Online Directory website.

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The Family Court Information website is an independently run source of information for families in Bristol, North Somerset, Bath and North East Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Gloucester.

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