Behave or Be Banned

Behave or Be Banned

Tackling crime and disorder in the evening and night-time economy is one of our key priorities that we take extremely seriously.

Behave or Be Banned (BOBB) is a new partnership scheme that will see people banned from the evening and night-time economy for anti-social behaviour, crime and disorder. The scheme is administered by North Somerset Council’s Safer Communities Service.

Under the BOBB scheme, if anyone causes disorder or anti-social behaviour they will likely receive a Community Protection Warning. This is an opportunity for the individual to modify their behaviour without any formal sanctions being taken.

If the person comes to attention again for anti-social behaviour or disorder they will be issued with a Community Protection Notice, which will ban them from the evening and night-time economy.

Breaching a Community Protection Notice is a criminal offence and could result in a fine or prosecution.